"Learning together we can reach for the stars"
RE at Race Leys
We aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of every pupil on our school and prepare them for pupils at the school and of society, and the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
At Race Leys Infant School we want all children to learn about other faiths. The school is not linked with any religious organisations but celebrates major world faiths in line with the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus.
In Reception, RE is taught through the Early Learning Goal called Understanding of the World.
In Reception, we learn about celebrations and included within this are celebrations from different faiths. We learn which stories people, places and times are special and our place within them. We often use role play to help us with our learning.
Key Stage One
In KS1 RE will be taught using the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2017-2022.
In Year 1, we learn about Christianity and Islam, looking at beliefs and similarities and differences in stories. We learn about the festivals from Christianity and Islam and how people of both faiths celebrate these. We also learn about places of worship and what it means to belong to a faith community.
​In Year 2 we learn about Christianity and Judaism and explore other faiths by looking at sacred books. We learn about significant Christian and Jewish festivals during the year. In RE, we are encouraged to ask and think about challenging questions and to develop an understanding that we live in a world with people of different beliefs and faiths. We learn how we should care for other people and the world and why this is important.