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​We love reading at Race Leys Infants! We follow the EYFS framework and the National Curriculum.  As our children progress through the school we develop the different strands
of reading

  • Phonics (sounds and word reading)

  • Comprehension (understanding)

  • Reading for pleasure


We use Read Write Inc as our Phonics and Reading as it is a detailed and systematic programme. All children have a daily phonics lesson, where they work in a small group at a level suited to their ability. All staff are trained to teach Read Write Inc and regularly receive update training.


When using RWI to read and spell the children will:

* learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups using simple picture prompts

* learn to read words using Fred Talk, including both real and nonsense words

* learn to spell words by using ‘Fred fingers’

* learn to read common exception words, which have irregular phonemes and spelling patterns

* read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out

* show that they comprehend the stories by answering and discussing questions



The children will be assessed at least every 6 weeks to ensure they are in the correct Read Write Inc group.


We believe it is imperative that our children can access the sounds in their reading book so all children will bring home a Read Write Inc scheme ‘Book bag’ book. This is a phonetically decodable reading book that follows the same sounds as their Read Write Inc group. They will read this book, both at school and at home.  The children will also bring home a ‘Sharing book’. This is a book to be enjoyed with an adult and we recognise the children will need help to read this. We use a range of reading schemes for this book, all of which are phonetically decodable, including Floppy’s Phonics, Songbirds, Comics for Phonics, Bug Club, Phonics Bug, Collins Big Cat Phonics.


All children also have a ‘Hooked on Books’ reading session each week. This gives the children chance to read a book and be able to talk about it with a group or class. It follows the Reading Rainbow, where each aspect of reading will be discussed.


We understand the importance that our children develop a love of books. We have regular story times, by class teachers and teaching assistants and our staff also sometimes move round to read their favourite stories to other classes. We know the importance of children regularly hearing the same stories to build their vocabulary, comprehension and fluency so each year group has chosen 10 core stories to enjoy. One of our teachers has also set up a Youtube story time to read a range of stories so that children can access and enjoy these at home.


We raise the profile of reading by celebrating World Book Day
where a range of visitors read to our children. We also have a
yearly visit from a published author in the summer term. This
year, Caryl Hart returned to our school and worked with our
children. In previous years, Chloe Inkpen and the poet,
Andy Tooze came to share their work.


This year, we have also participated in the Look for a Book scheme. Many books have been hidden in the playground and around the local community. The children are encouraged to read the book and then re-hide it.


Every class has an exciting book area, we also have a library and the school celebrates reading in displays around the school. We also have the weekly Hideaway Bookshop, where children can save up for books. Children can also receive book prizes for good reading effort or outstanding progress.


Ways to help at home






These websites are great for getting ideas of books suitable for each year group and topic.
Books for Topics





We teach Early Reading skills using Read Write Inc. You can find out more about how this works at Race Leys using the following page.






Bedtime story

In January, all of our children we invited back to school in the evening to listen to some bedtime stories in their classrooms. They wore pyjamas, enjoyed hot chocolate and a biscuit and listened to some of the teacher's favourite stories. We all had a lovely time.





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Book Week 2023

This year, instead of just celebrating World Book Day, we celebrated all week. We had a lovely Book Week, starting with an inspiring visit from Caryl Hart. The children were amazed to see how many books Caryl has actually written! On Monday, she led an assembly with the whole school and then worked with each year group. Thank you also to all our parents and carers who came and shared our Reading breakfasts throughout the week. It was so lovely to see so many people! We have also enjoyed looking for books hidden around the school and each class had book presents delivered to their classroom. On Tuesday, we had an illustrator afternoon and it was wonderful to see the whole school working on a project throughout the corridor. Finally, and most importantly, we enjoyed lots of stories, some read by our own teacher but we also had story swaps, where a different teacher read to a class. A huge thank you to the Year 3 Race Leys Junior school teachers and Year 6 children who also came to read to us. 

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