"Learning together we can reach for the stars"

The children and staff of Race Leys would like to welcome you to our school website. We hope it is a source of information for all pupils, parents and friends of our school. We will use this website as a celebration of our work, a source of information about school life and a glimpse for prospective pupils, parents and visitors, of what Race Leys Infants is all about...
Our school day now begins at 8:40am and ends at 3:10pm.
Children will be in school for 6hrs 30mins per day.
(Total of 32hrs 30 mins per week)
After school clubs will run from
3:10pm - 4:10pm. These will begin on 26th September.
Morning registration closes at 8:50am and afternoon registration closes at 1:10pm.

We currently have spaces in our Early Years and Year 2 cohorts for this academic year.
Upcoming Events
​SPRING Term 2025
6.1.25 INSET DAY (Staff Only)
7.1.25 Children back to school
10.1.25 PFTA meeting at 3.15pm in the staff room - see below
15.1.25 Closing day for Reception and Year 3 places
16.1.25 Afternoon Tea (hosted by Learning Mentor and SENDCO, external professionals will be attending)
20.1.25 Year 1 Maths Drop Ins (More info will follow - parents welcome)
21.1.25 Year 2 Maths Drop Ins (More info will follow - parents welcome)
22.1.25 Reception Maths Drop Ins (More info will follow - parents welcome)
23.1.25 PTFA Winter Bingo Night 6-7.30pm. More details to follow
Looking Forward...
3.3.25 Book Week
6.3.25 Dressing up for World Book Day
14.3.25 INSET DAY (Staff Only)
15.5.25 Parent Play Time (OPAL Play Experience - parents welcome - more info to come)
21.7.25 INSET DAY (Staff Only)​