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RLIS Story Corner

One of my favourite stories is about Mr Bear when he couldn’t sleep and it is called Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. She writes all the stories about the large family elephants too. Mr Bear is so very tired and he just can’t get to sleep because of all the other things happening around him- eventually he manages to get to sleep- just as the alarm goes off for the morning- has that ever happened to you? Sometimes, going to sleep is very tricky and we might have a favourite toy or story to help. Do you do anything that helps you sleep? You can hear me reading this story if you go to the school website. Apple my dog was listening too. You will also find some ideas of how to talk about sleep with your child and some activities you can do.
Mrs Potter

Race Leys Infant School

Hurst Road, Bedworth 
CV12 8AD

02476 312221




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